MRI Coil Exchange
When your facility has an older model MRI coil that constantly needs repair, it’s time to consider replacing the coil. However, sometimes buying a brand new MRI coil isn’t in the budget. Other times, you just need the convenience of having a functional coil right away so you don’t interrupt your throughput. Plus, your technologist and radiologist may prefer the imaging capabilities of a specific coil that is no longer even available to buy brand new. So buying new isn’t really an option.
For these times, ScanMed offers a MRI coil exchange program. We have a full inventory of the most popular models of MRI Coils that have been completely refurbished. You simply trade-in your old coil and receive the exact model in like-new condition.

Trade-In Your Broken MRI Coil

Send ScanMed your
broken MRI Coil
Receive A Fully-Refurbished
Like-New MRI Coil
How Does ScanMed’s MRI Coil Exchange Program Work?
1. Contact our repair customer service representatives with the OEM part number of your MRI coil.
2. ScanMed will check our extensive inventory for a match and if we don’t have your coil in-house, we’ll find you one in our vast supplier network.
3. Once the exchange price is agreed up on, we’ll validate and verify the functionality of the MRI coil, then ship it out immediately.
4. When you receive the coil, you can test the performance on your MRI system. If you’re happy with the results, you send us your old coil.
Our refurbished coils are fully restored both electronically and cosmetically and follow our ISO 13485:2016 processes.
ScanMed Offers:
90-day full warranty on all exchange MRI coils
Flexible pricing and payment structures
Bulk discounting
Same-day shipping until 8:45 PM CST
Saturday same-day shipping