Research & Development Credentials
Founded in Omaha, Nebraska by Dr. Randall Jones, ScanMed is the premier international provider of MRI coil innovations. Our knowledgeable team of researchers and product developers has been leading the market in MRI coil development. We have an extensive product portfolio that contains over a dozen patents and have pioneered several industry-changing designs. All of our cutting-edge MRI coils bring more unique and/or broader coverage, higher SNR, and meet a wide variety of clinical needs.
Industry Firsts In MRI Products
Dedicated Peripheral Vascular Array, 1993
Quadrature Detection Array, 1993
Hingable Volume Array, 1994
Pediatric Head/Spine Array, 1995
Adult Head/Spine Array, 1996
Remote Controlled Phased Array, 1996
Dedicated Carotid Array, 1997
SemiFlexTM Extremity Array Family, 2000
Eight Channel Extremity Array Family, 2006
Dedicated Orbit Array, 2011
Garment Coil Family, 2012
Wearable Stretchable Shoulder MRI Antenna, 2013
Wearable Prostate MRI Antenna, 2013
Pediatric Interchangeable Head Coil Set, 2016

United States Patents:
R.W. Jones, “Articulated NMR Shoulder Coil with Fusible Link,” U.S. Pat. No. 5,136,244
R.W. Jones, “NMR Neck Coil with Passive Decoupling,” U.S. Pat. No. 5,166,618
R.W. Jones, “NMR Pelvic Coil,” U.S. Pat. No. 5,307,806
R.W. Jones, “NMR Liver Coil,” U.S. Pat. No. 5,390,672
R.W. Jones, “NMR Shoulder Coil,” U.S. Pat. No. 5,343,862
R.W. Jones, “NMR QD Solenoidal Coil,” U.S. Pat. No. 5,351,688
R.W. Jones, “NMR Adjustable Volume Array,” U.S. Pat. No. 5,477,146
R.W. Jones, “Quadrature Detection Array,” U.S. Pat. No. 5,430,378
R.W. Jones, “Conformal Solenoidal Coil,” U.S. Pat. No. 5,543,710
R.W. Jones, F. Davis, “Surface Coil System for a Single Channel NMR Receiver,” U.S. Pat. No. 5,666,055
R.W. Jones, “Garment Antenna Array,” U.S. Pat. No. 9,002,431
R.W. Jones, “Design Patent for Pelvic Coil,” U.S. Pat. No. 29,584,529 (pending)
R.W. Jones, “Garment Antenna Array,” Continuation-in-part
Joint Ventures:
Research Grants:
Two State of Wisconsin Economic Development Grants, prior to 1993
Three NIH SBIR grants, prior to 1993
NIH Grant “Evaluation of Breast Cancer Metastasis Using MRI,” R. Jones, 1995
State of NE, DED Prototyping Grant, “Garment Coil,” 2012
V. Kampani, R. Jones, C. Charles, N.Hussey: Dual-tuned RF coil system for parallel imaging of human lungs using perflourinated gases. Poster presented at: 25th Annual Conference of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; 2017 April 22-27; Honolulu, HI.